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Telehealth effectively means using secure video conferencing OR telephone communication. Remember, to be eligible for Medicare services with a Psychologist, you will need a Mental Health Care Plan completed by your GP or Psychiatrist before any sessions commence. When an appointment is made, we will email you a link for your next session. You will also be sent a reminder with this link again there days prior to your appointment.…


Executive functioning is typically referred to as a group of skills that people use to manage the everyday functions of life. These skills are usually referred too as ‘thinking’ and ‘doing’ skills. People who have difficulty with these skills are considered to have Executive Functioning Deficits or in more complex cases, ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Thomas E. Brown was at the forefront of research in Executive Functioning and…


Problem-solving therapy has shown to have positive outcomes with individuals with a whole range of health problems such as depression, anxiety and health management issues. It is a cognitive-behavioural therapy intervention and helps clients to improve their problem-solving skills in difficult situations. It considers two major components to addressing the underlying problem as being related to the individual’s problem-solving orientation (is the situation an opportunity or a threat) and their…


think.act.feel’s Psychological Assessment Services provides an array of differing options for our corporate clients, depending on their particular needs. The types of services provided to clients are as follows: Assessments and Interviews over the Internet Most candidates for certain job roles can have their abilities, aptitudes and behavioural tendencies assessed online through highly validated psychometric tools and in-depth interviews over the internet. Assessments can range from verbal and numerical ability,…


Depression is not just feeling down. It is a serious illness that can affect up to 1 in 4 females and 1 in 6 males in their lifetime. It has both psychological and physical symptoms and can be quite debilitating for a large number of people. For some people, depression is a lifelong battle. For others, it can be a response to a significant life event (such as divorce, separation,…