think.act.feel’s Psychological Assessment Services provides an array of differing options for our corporate clients, depending on their particular needs.
The types of services provided to clients are as follows:
Most candidates for certain job roles can have their abilities, aptitudes and behavioural tendencies assessed online through highly validated psychometric tools and in-depth interviews over the internet. Assessments can range from verbal and numerical ability, computer skills to motivational patterns. We make sure that you have the results of these assessments within 24 hours of the candidate’s completion (unless otherwise agreed).
Before commencing a psychological assessment assignment, think.act.feel will work with the client to determine the desired structure of the report and essential information that needs to be included.
Some of our existing clients require reports under the headings of the roles competencies. Other clients are focused on receiving feedback on the candidate’s team, leadership and sales style.
If several candidates are to be assessed for the one role, our computerised system can statistically combine candidate information from relevant ability tests and behavioural style questionnaires to provide a standardised interpretation of results.
This approach can reduce the subjectivity of the assessment process when multiple candidates are being assessed.
Once a candidate results have been compared to some competencies, we can suggest 2 behavioural questions that will enable you to explore their ‘areas of concern’ in more detail. This assists you to make an informed decision.
Depending on the role, some of our clients like to use Assessment Centre exercises to determine a candidate’s competency to perform the role. These exercises are, in essence, a simulation of real-life work situations.
All people who complete a psychological assessment with think.act.feel are invited to make an appointment to receive feedback on their results. This service is included in the total cost.
* This service comes at an additional cost.
^ This service is part of the service listed above
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